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Warhorse Development CLEDE

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Clede was a Special Forces horse used by ODA 595, 3rd BN, 5th SFG, Mission Code: Tiger02.  Their task was to overthrow the Taliban.  Clede was part of what would become Task Force Dagger.  We have it on good authority that Clede was the only horse worth a hoot.  To honor that horse and those men we are proud to introduce Clede to our line up of amazing shooting support field bags.

Clede works well on almost any surface, draping over walls, rails, barricades and tank traps.  Use it under the front of the rifle off of support, under the back when prone, or any other way you can come up with.  Cameras, spotters, binos and LRF all find a happy place on top of Clede.

The Clede Field Bag hits the in between on size and weight versus the world famous Saracen and Comanche bags.  Sometimes the Saracen is too big and sometimes the Comanche is too small.  Clede is in the Goldilocks Zone of the field bags.

All our field bags come with a non-slip top and the ability to attach straps and a fill port that allows you to change/adjust the fill.  The Clede has a nonslip top that is backed by 1000d cordura and little tabs for the straps (included).   


Filled weight is about 5.5lbs.